What are the right expectations for Economic growth?
To me 2% economic growth in the U.S. seems about the right outlook for growth. You have this international kicker with synchronized global growth and very easy monetary policy globally . And it is going to stay easy , but they may tap on the brakes alittle bit , but you still have very accomodativepolicies globally globally and very accommodative policy's in the U.S. .The U.S. VS. the world ! You can make a case that the U.S. is the best place for investors. With 2%economic growth is like a goldilocks scenario in a sense , because you have low interest rates and low inflation and growth is ok. Our call on the market : is to be overweight equities, use market pullbacks as an opportunity to buy the dips. Expect a choppy market as President Trump's economic polices will take some time to implement.If you take a step back , sometimes we get caught up in the day to day data points. The overall data points are getting better, the economy is growing at a reasonably robust rate. I believe this is a good environment for equities and furthermore we think rates are going stay under control. All though rates are going to move higher, because the FED is determined to move rates higher on the path they laid out. Tax policy may not necessarily drive economic growth, but it will definitely help earnings growth.Overweight Sectors: Information Technology, the cloud storage sector,technology, and healthcare.The last word: We are longterm investors, we see opportunites in the markets today. We think rates are going to be under control and so we are confident in the Economy. We believe things will get better when we get a boost from some economic policy changes and reduced regulations. We also believe that money will gradually move into stocks from the bond market.Thank You,John C. Verducci 111