Healthcare essential and First Responders

To all the Frontliners Thank you for your tireless efforts and sacrifices in taking care of all of us. The character and true-grit that all of the Frontliners have during this emergency is truely Heroic. Your continued effort in fighting this virus is both noble and very caring,which can take an emotional toll on you when you are exhaustd and you continue fighting on. Your dedication and hard work are a God-send for all of our communities and we really appreciate you. Brave and Fearless in the face of such adversity. Your Determination and Fortitude(persistance)will conquer all. We would especially like to give our condolences for those who have lost their lives fighting this virus. You are the True Heros and will always be remembered forever. You are in our thoughts and prayers!Thank You,John C. Verducci 111


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Thank you to the Physicians and healthcare professionals!